For this talk the topic was: “Mental health in the Workplace.” This is key because this is where most people practically spend a huge chunk of their adult lives. The main objective was to highlight the guidelines put in place by the Human Resource sector which we probably do not understand or know exist to protect us.

The talk was moderated by Capital FM presenter Ciao Tolle. The panel was comprised of: Gathoni Mbugua- Psychologist at Chiromo Medical Centre, Dr. Judy Kamau- Psychiatrist, Pastor Muchai, Eugene Abuderby who is a survivor as well as Edwin Mburu, and Philip Wanga who is a Human Resource practitioner.

The take away from this was to pay attention to self and others’ mental wellbeing in the workplace. Important questions were tackled such as; When do you reach out? When does one take a break from work when they feel mentally overwhelmed? When – as a colleague – should you be concerned? And how can we support colleagues with mental health illnesses? How
can the workplace be a trigger and what can be avoided?

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